Embark on a high-stakes mission at "Pablo Escobar’s Jungle Airstrip," a game zone set deep within the Colombian jungle. Here, you'll confront the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar and his armed entourage as they attempt to load a light aircraft with illicit drugs destined for the U.S.A. and Western Europe.
Gameplay Overview
Your mission, crafted through months of cooperation with global police forces, is to lead an elite team to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals. As the action unfolds, your team will need to tactically navigate the jungle terrain, breach Escobar’s defences, and seize control of the airstrip to prevent the drug shipment.
Zone Features
- Realistic Jungle Airstrip Setting: Experience the intensity of battling through dense jungle to a strategically important airstrip, all while dodging enemy fire.
- High-Value Targets: The primary objective is capturing a high-profile criminal and intercepting a major drug shipment, adding layers of challenge and excitement to the game.
Game Rules
Boundaries are clearly defined, with players stepping outside the limits considered eliminated, requiring relocation to a designated "dead zone" marked in red. The game operates on a strict timeline, pushing teams to efficiently execute their strategies.
After successfully completing the mission, teams will regroup for a brief downtime before heading off to the next thrilling game zone challenge.
Join the mission at "Pablo Escobar’s Jungle Airstrip" for an immersive paintball experience that tests your tactical skills and teamwork against one of history’s most infamous figures.