Nestled deep within Castle Wallenberg, elite German scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough in chemical warfare, tasked by their high command. With the weapon’s completion imminent, Allied forces must act swiftly. As a member of the Commandos, your mission involves a bold strike into the heart of the castle to demolish the lab and capture the flag while dodging the watchful eyes of heavily armed German Guards.
Gameplay Overview
Commandos and German Guards begin the game from strategically placed starting points around the castle. The Commandos’ objective is to penetrate the castle defences, destroy a chemical weapons lab, and capture the flag, all while avoiding detection by the German Guards. The Guards’ mission is to protect the castle and prevent the Commandos from achieving their objectives by maintaining vigilance and control over the area.
Zone Features
- Authentic Castle Layout: Navigate through an intricately designed castle environment, complete with dungeons, towers, and defensive walls.
- Strategic Elements: Utilise smoke grenades for cover, making wind direction a crucial factor in your tactical decisions.
Game Rules
- The game zone is delineated by white boundary ropes. Crossing these boundaries leads to elimination, with players required to retreat to the designated “dead zone,” marked in blue.
- Each session lasts 15 minutes, with a brief interval on the field before the next round starts. Players should be prepared with enough ammunition and pyrotechnics for consecutive rounds, as there is no return to the safe area between games.
- Teams switch roles between Commandos and German Guards to vary the gameplay and challenge.
- Following each round, teams will have the opportunity to regroup in the safe zone for strategic planning and resupply before moving on to the next game zone.
Dive into the intense, historical action of Castle Wallenberg and test your tactical prowess against formidable opponents in a thrilling paintball battle.